A Perfect Proposal at Audrey Wilkinson Vineyard: Jordan and Steph’s Love Story​

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Natural Lights Photography | Hunter Valley & Newcastle Wedding Photographers

A Perfect Proposal at Audrey Wilkinson Vineyard: Jordan and Steph’s Love Story​

proposal proposal proposal

Some of the most romantic and memorable moments in life happen unexpectedly, with a touch of serendipity and a lot of love. That’s what Jordan and Steph experienced one cloudy day at Audrey Wilkinson vineyard, when Jordan proposed to Steph during a private picnic that combined their love of good wine, beautiful scenic views, and heartfelt emotions.


According to Jordan, the idea of proposing had been on his mind for a while, but he wanted to find the right moment and place to make it unforgettable. He had visited Audrey Wilkinson vineyard before and knew how stunning it was, with its rolling hills, green vines, and sweeping vistas of the Hunter Valley. He also knew that Steph shared his passion for wine and nature, and that a picnic in the vineyard would be a perfect way to celebrate their love.

proposal Audrey Wilkinson engagement

Jordan booked a private picnic with Audrey Wilkinson vineyard, which included a selection of local cheeses, dips, fruits, and crackers, as well as a bottle of Audrey Wilkinson’s signature wine, the 2019 The Lake Shiraz. He also brought a bouquet of flowers to surprise Steph. They arrived at the vineyard for a wine tasting afternoon,  and were then escorted to a secluded in a private hedged garden, with a tablecloth and cushions laid out for them.

Despite the cloudy weather, the vineyard looked enchanting, with misty clouds hovering over the hills and soft sunlight filtering through the rolling hills. Jordan and Steph sat chatting about their day, when Jordan asked Steph to wait while he ran back to the car for his sunnies. (This was my cue to be ready!) When he came back, he asked Steph to stand with him and then he got down on one knee,  took her hand, looked into her eyes. And asked: ‘Will you marry me?”

Steph was surprised and emotional, tears overflowing  as she nodded and said resolutely, “Yes,” Jordan slipped a ring on her finger, a sparkling diamond set in a gorgeous setting, both of them laughing and crying at the same time. You could not keep the grin from Jordan’s face! 

After a few minutes of celebrations, Jordan and Steph shared a glass of wine, toasting each other and family both here and above,  and laughed about how Steph was sure something was up – but wasn’t sure what. Jordan relayed all his plans in the lead up and his nerves starting the day. Steph suggested they call their family and friends on FaceTime to share the news. As soon as they answered, Jordan and Steph showed them the ring and some had already guessed, others who knew had been hanging by the phone waiting for the call.  Everyone was thrilled and congratulated them warmly, saying how happy they were for them both. 

I had  been hiding behind a nearby hedge, ready to capture photos without disturbing the moment. I had arrived early so as not to be seen while they were enjoying their tasting, and quietly slipped into place while Jordan retrieved his ‘sunnies’. It was beautiful to see Steph’s emotion overflow with such happy tears. And Jordan’s never ending grin really said it all. 

Jordan then invited me closer to join them, share their stories (and their wine! Thank you very much!) before we headed into the grounds for some beautiful portraits to capture this moment forever. 

We had a fun walking around the grounds, talking, laughing and it was so easy to see just how much these two love each other. All these candid natural moments show their love in such an honest and real way. They were totally naturals in front of the camera and only had eyes for each other! 

 Jordan and Steph’s proposal at Audrey Wilkinson vineyard was a perfect example of how love can bloom in unexpected ways and places, and how photography can capture that beauty for eternity. Thanks to the amazing  Audrey Wilkinson vineyard for hosting such a special event. And well done to Jordan for planning the perfect proposal for Steph (he even picked her ring size perfectly!) I feel so honoured to have shared the day with Jordan and Steph – love is so beautiful and to see such raw and joyous emotions fills my cup every time. I am truly lucky to spend my days like this! 

Enjoy this time together now as you celebrate each other and embark on the next chapter of your lives! I can’t wait to join you at your wedding! 😉 


Much Love – Danielle xx 


Congratulations Jordan & Steph!!! 




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