Walls Family Portraits

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Every year for the last 8 years, I have photographed the Walls family. I have seen them grow from Gabbie and Darren, to adding Seb, then Matthew and finally Hayley. I have seen the children grown from newborns, toddlers and starting school. Every year we meet, we talk, we laugh, we play and we […]

Kim and Vincent’s Spontaneous Wedding Day!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] A couple weeks ago I get this lovely little facebook message asking if I remembered her form a few years back and how much she loved my shots. Kim was getting married in three weeks (spontaneous like both her and Vincent she said!) and would I be free to share their day. I am […]

Congratulations Sam and Ron on your most perfect wedding day!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_images_carousel images=”396,392,391,386,385″ img_size=”full” speed=”1000″][vc_column_text]I had known Sam and Ron for a little while now – sharing our first shoot for their engagement session down in the beautiful locations of Wollongong. We had so much fun that day and I was looking forward to their beautiful wedding. June 5th arrived and it was everything Sam and […]